Daily prompt // help

Today’s daily prompt on The Daily Post is help.

My husband is an amazing father.  He has so many tales of adventures that he has had both as a child and as an adult.  He has learned many lessons through these adventures and is always anxious and willing to help his lil’ guy experience some of these same adventures.

He helps him learn how to manage the terrain on a mountain bike ride…

bike riding

helps him learn how to mountain board…

helps him learn how to snow shoe…

snow shoeing, Chicago Lakes

helps him learn how to ski…

skiing, Winter Park

helps him learn how to boulder…


helps him learn how to rock climb…

rock climbing

helps him learn how to catch and release

fly fishing

and this past Labor Day weekend on our camping trip, he helped him learn how to cut firewood…

cutting fire wood

the ghost town of Independence

Independence was a little tent-town that sprung up in Colorado in the late 1800’s that had an ever growing population secondary to prospectors discovering gold there.  Since only shallow veins of gold were discovered, the boom ended as quickly as it started.  The prospectors, with no hope of discovering more gold there, packed up their wares to begin searching elsewhere.

In 1899, Independence had the worst snowstorm in history.  Food began to run out because the pass was closed to through traffic.  Thus, no supplies could be delivered.  Residents dismantled their homes to make 75 pairs of skis.  They escaped to Aspen by making a game of it with the entrance fee being a ham sandwich.  That winter was the beginning of the end of Independence.

The ghost town of Independence is now a Nationally Registered Historic Site.

ghost town of Independence ghost town of Independence ghost town of Independence

Daily prompt // fake

Todays daily prompt for photographers on The Daily Post is fake.

fake // one that is not authentic or genuine.

The first photo is an obvious fake.  A golden egg hidden for my eager lil’ guy to find on Easter morning.  An egg…but a fake egg.

This second photo is an attempt by my lil’ guy to make fake blood.  He wanted to dress up as a zombie for Halloween and this became part of our Halloween decor.

fort // Minecraft club

My lil’ guy loves forts.  Outdoor forts, indoor playroom forts, forts above his bed, forts built in the closet with cushions, etc.  So,  my husband spent a few weekends building an outdoor fort underneath our deck for him and his friends.  I won’t get into the step by step, since we are by no means professional contractors, but will opt to show you some before and afters.

First, the BeFoRe…

_MG_1771 _MG_1772

Now, for the AfTeR…


We purchased a $5 door in the scratch and dent section at Home Depot.  I applied 2 coats of chalkboard paint.  The hubs added molding that I had stained and hung it with some hardware from the plumbing section.  Add wheels on the bottom, a handle also from the plumbing section, and you have a sliding chalkboard door.


We painted the outside to match the outside of the house.  Looks like I still need to caulk some nail heads and do some more painting…

This is what it looks like now that my lil’ guy and his friends have been playing in it for a few months.

outdoor fortYes, my lil’ guy is just a wee bit obsessed with Minecraft these days, so the fort is currently home to The Minecraft Club.

We added a bell and a peep hole (lil’ guy circled it in the photo above), so no one gets in unnoticed…


Here is a quick peek inside, which as you can tell, still needs some DIY love.  The hubs added a ladder with a bed in case the lil’ guy decides to camp outside one night, and two chairs that can be folded up when not in use, some prayer flags, and more chalkboard wall for “the writing of the rules.”

IMG_1615 IMG_1614As you can guess, this fort has seen a lot of love already.  Hope you enjoyed this tour of The Minecraft Club.  And of course, it is not complete without a welcoming mat.



Today’s prompt for photographer’s on The Daily Post is nightTime.  For this photo challenge, I searched my archives and selected three photos to share.  If you have been following my blog for even a short time, you can guess that all of these pictures were taken on various camping trips.

“This is night, Diddykins. That’s what we call it when it goes all dark like this. ”
J.K. RowlingHarry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

full moon sunset prayer flags

Daily prompt // standout

giraffeToday’s daily prompt on The Daily Post is standout.  I am always drawn to the giraffe when I visit the zoo with my lil’ family.  They are so majestic stretching their necks to peer down on all who admire them.  They always standout, never to “fade into the woodwork.”  You can check out some more pictures of giraffes and other animals here.